Featured Websites

Virginia Cooperative Extension - Unit Websites

Local Office Websites

Google sheets - Google App Script - JavaScript - HTML- CSS

Custom coded and styled websites developed by Lauren Shutt, former CALS web manager. These sites are located in the Virginia Tech Ensemble content management system. As web specialist, my primary responsibility is to update these websites and serve as the primary web contact for the unit offices.

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publications and Educational Resources

VCE Publications Website

JavaScript- HTML- CSS

Custom coded and styled websites developed by Lauren Shutt, former CALS web manager. These sites are located in the Virginia Tech Ensemble content management system. In the absence of a web manager, I have learned to update, adjust, and trouble shoot this site.

Virginia Cooperative Extension

Virginia Cooperative Extension Website

JavaScript - HTML- CSS

Custom coded and styled websites developed by Lauren Shutt, former CALS web manager. These sites are located in the Virginia Tech Ensemble content management system. In the absence of a web manager, I have learned to update, adjust, and troubleshoot this site.

Virginia Agricultural Research and Extension Centers

Field Days

Virginia Tech's Ensemble CMS

This site was designed to house a complete listing of Virginia Tech's Agricultural Research and Extension Centers field days.

Virginia Youth Livestock State Fair Nomination Database

Check the status of your nomination

Google Sheets - Query functions

This database was designed for use by the Virginia Extension

Youth Animal Sciences team and the State Fair of Virginia youth participants.

Virginia Beef Quality Assurance

Virginia Beef Quality Assurance


This site was managed with National Beef Quality Assurance through the SPUR content management system.

Blue Ridge Horse Force

Blue Ridge Horse Force

Adobe XD

This site was designed for a local horse show association.